Sunday, February 6, 2022

Bringing it back

 Resurrecting the blog to document more about the kids while they are small.

The state of my glasses every time I reach for them. It doesn't matter how often I clean them, tiny fingerprints just keep mysteriously appearing.

Silly siblings having lunch. It's hard talking Lexi into a high chair these days, she prefers sitting on the big kid bench thankyouverymuch.

Treehouse Museum

Trying out the gong to ring in the Lunar New Year

Tucking in her babies

Grandma came over and brought stickers. The kids loved spending time with her.

Storytime with Grandma

These two. I love how much they love each other.

Lucas requested I take his picture with brownie batter all over his face. He's become quite an excellent helper in the kitchen.

Non-stop book reading with this one. She tosses books at us by the armful.

A nana visit! There was a lot of chaotic love while she was here.

Lexi has finally stopped being so shy around people outside of her immediate family.

We miss Lucas when he's at preschool in the mornings, but it's nice to have some one on one time with this girl.

Lucas and I usually go out on Mama-Lucas dates on the weekends. This was a visit to the very frozen bird refuge.

Lucas and his "specimens". He has been collecting (plastic) critters and studying them like a little biologist.

Arm wrestling Papa.

Snowflakes in the front window

Fruit salad featuring star fruit. We learned about star fruit on Sesame Street (which Lexi calls 'Mo, short for Elmo)

Monday, December 31, 2018

Week 52 - 2018

Getting dressed to go out in the snow is an ordeal if your name is Lucas.

He needed to calm himself with his binky afterwards. 

Bingham sib game night (at least the ones in town).

Luc didn't want to go to bed. He stayed up and watched the Fred Rogers documentary with us (with sunglasses on??).

Waiting for dinner and playing with markers.

Sad, sick baby "playing" Mario with an unplugged controller.

He has been wearing this fireman's hat nonstop.

Stealing papa's shoes + a few other accessories.

He climbed on my lap and literally stole the Wii U out of my hands.

Stealing mama's slippers this time.

Wii wheels on both feet?

Christmas snuggles.
Family picture on Christmas morning. We did our best.

Opening presents.

Checking out his new train set with papa.

Bingham grandparents on Christmas Eve.

At the escape room we did with the Bingham side on Christmas Eve.

Belle was cut off :( but most of the rest of the gang.

Christmas Eve dinner with my beautiful sister.

Dancing with (or rather... for) Luc.

He insisted that everyone join in. The blurry arm is a dancing grandpa.
This week:
- We enjoyed lots of time with family celebrating the season. Luc had a ton of fun with aunts, uncles, cousins, and grandparents.
- We all came down with a cold after Christmas. We spent the rest of the week snuggled inside playing Mario Kart.

Thursday, December 27, 2018

Week 51 - 2018

Ready to eat ALL THE HAM.

Christmas presents! Grandma and Grandpa Woodbury bought him a fireman hat. He hasn't taken it off since.

Opening a really great book with papa.
Just a cool kid watching TV. In December. Wearing only sunglasses.

Wearing Aunt Amy's shoes.

Finally got an infusion of my new medication.

CT contrast number 1.

CT contrast number 2.

A baby covered in stickers.

He asked me to swaddle all his toys.

This week was primarily a marathon of medical appointments. I went to get a CT scan done and was given the wrong contrast to drink (womp womp). I had to wait 48 hours and then try again. I also got an infusion of Stelara in the middle there and had some blood draws. Sigh. It was a frustrating, exhausting, and painful week.

This week:
- Lucas was a very patient and well-behaved baby. He spent lots of time with Nana and Grandpa B while I dealt with doctors. I can't remember a whole lot else to write down. It was generally a bad week.
- Things improved drastically on Saturday when we spent the day with family to kick off our Christmas celebrations. We saw Mary Poppins Returns with the Binghams Saturday morning. Saturday afternoon we went over to the Woodburys. We ate an amazing dinner, the grandkids opened presents, and we did the traditional "Lights Out" evening of Christmas stories and carols.

Tuesday, December 18, 2018

Week 50 - 2018

Tom took Luc upstairs for a bath and jammies. He came back down to say goodnight dressed like this.

Sharing a breakfast sandwich with mom.

"Whale!" Watching Blue Planet.

Snuggling on the floor playing "sleep". Aka my favorite game.

Luc drags all the pillows off the couches and fake snores in the heap.

Tantrum. He pried open my mouth and sobbed when there weren't any cookies in there (???). And then he threw himself to the floor and army crawled around the room begging for cookies.

Snuggling with papa in the evening.

Lining up his animals.

Double cell phones.

Trying out a rocking horse for the first time.

This week:
- Luc composed his first song. He bangs on the piano and yells "KNEES KNEES KNEEEEEES". This lovely song is performed multiple times a day.
- Luc's tantrums have advanced to a whole new level. This week he screamed (literally screamed) for an hour. Why, you ask? Because he asked me to pour a glass of milk for him. And I poured him a glass of milk. ...yeah.
- Luc has been developing funny little mannerisms. If you ask him a question, he says, "Ummmm. Uhhhhh."
- He has started spotting heart shapes and pointing them out to us.
- New words: jab (jam), jib (gym), and friends. I always ask him if he's excited to go see his "friends" when I drop him at the gym daycare. When I picked him up one day, he pointed around the room telling me "friend, friend, friend".